Unified Inbox

Ken Herron, CMO

Unified Inbox

About the Episode

In this episode, David brings on a social media wizard, Ken Herron who is the number two ranked CMO on Twitter. Herron brings up incredibly strong ideas from engaging your audience to making sure you create revenue on your social media to only worrying about the social media platforms that your customers are on. To make sure that you are on the right social channels, poll your audience and see what they’re using.


Herron’s main success has come on Twitter and with over a 125,000 followers, he’s created his patented nine techniques to success on Twitter. Whether you want to build your brand’s presence or your own presence on Twitter, this is the show for you.


Nine Steps:

  1. It starts with your profile, complete the profile (12:45)
  2. Profile merchandising, put your social media everywhere (14:25)
  3. All about posting content, find relevant content that your customers want (16:25)
  4. Pinned content, make sure you pin your best tweets (21:10)
  5. Targeted following, you need to follow this amount everyday (22:30)
  6. Once a day reach out to someone and start a conversation (24:50)
  7. Follower Engagement, engage with your followers, respond to them (26:10)
  8. Measure, if you don’t know how your tweets are performing you won’t know what’s working (29:20)
  9. The daily maintenance, have a daily checklist for what you need to do (30:25)