
Lisa Woodard


Lisa Woodard, the CMO of Transamerica Brokerage, has been to prison many times, but not for crimes committed. Instead, she has been volunteering for the Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP) as a marketing expert.

But has her time spent working with the inmates made her a better marketer? Lisa believes her teaching has unlocked the key. “When you really sift through what [marketers] do on a dail basis, it just boils down to 5 key lessons,” she reaffirms. Those 5 steps are:

1. Who is your customer?

2. How do you reach this person?

3. Why should they choose you?

4. How can you meet your customer’s needs?

5. Delight your customer to spread the word

Has her teachings made a difference? According to Lisa they have. “Not only lives transformed, but we know at least 185 businesses that have been started. We’ve turned these men from taking taxpayers money into productive business owners.” And that is a winning marketing success story if I’ve ever heard of one.

Here are the highlights from the show:

The importance of a Brand Promise  (5:00)

True B to B to C (6:40)

Leveraging cutting edge technologies (8:52)

Five marketing lessons learned in prison (14:05)