The CMOs Periodic Table

Drew Neisser

The CMOs Periodic Table

You don’t need to know chemistry to understand this periodic table!

What do you get when you interview hundreds of CMOs over 5 years? The elements that make a great marketing leader. Just as Dmitri Mendeleev created the periodic table of elements, Drew Neisser has created a periodic table for us, marketers.

“I’ve been interviewing CMOs and senior marketers for the last five years.” Drew remarks. “and I took 64 of them, organized them into a marketer’s periodic table and – voila – the book.”

The secret to a CMO’s success boils down to a simple acronym – C.A.T.S. – which stands for Courageous, Artful, Thoughtful, and Scientific. You can find these secrets in the book: The CMO’s Periodic Table – A Renegade’s guide to marketing.” Neill DeGrasse Tyson is doing backflips right now.

Other Highlights Include:

How this book came together (3:50)

Difference between marketing and selling (9:00)

How American Express started Small Business Monday (11:10)

What makes a great CMO (14:10)