
Joe Hyland


On24 has been providing webinar and webcasting services to B2B companies focusing on demand generation for over for 15 years, way before the medium was even popular.
With webinars and webcasts primary focus being information sharing, CMO, Joe Hyland turns to content marketing to drive potential leads to his company.
Hyland, a big believer in customized content, believes that the message should be contextualized to the role and uses four or five different streams to ensure different people are getting different content. “The best marketing is tailored, highly customized marketing. The more specific we can get, the better,” says Hyland.
Content marketing doesn’t just stop there, though, as he wants to make sure that it is delivered at correct stage of the cycle, “Content marketing is delivering the right information at the right time.”

Other Highlights from Marketing Superstars Include:
Definition of Content Marketing (5:22)
The Stages of Content Marketing (7:10)
Tools of an Education Cycle (9:44)
Infographics aren’t dead (15:14)