
Penny Wilson


The Social Evolution

I was the biggest skeptic of social media when it first came onto to the scene. But today, you can’t deny the fact that it’s here to stay. I spoke with Penny Wilson, Hootsuite’s CMO about this evolution. “Social started as a marketing channel but has quickly become a unifying thread for the entire customer journey. Right from awareness to loyalty,” Wilson states.


Today, social media is no longer siloed. It’s happening throughout the entire organization. “Social has moved out of just the marketing organization and has become the unifying thread throughout the entire customer journey.” Wilson comments. “Whether it’s at the awareness stage or the evaluation stage, or even the purchasing stage right through to the loyalty stage –  there is a huge opportunity for social to transform the customer experience and the relationship they have with their customers,”

While this evolution is inevitable, companies can be slow to adopt. But those that accept this change and embrace is, are able to reap the benefits.

Episode Highlights:

What is Hootsuite? (1:10)

Evolution of Social (6:40)

Keeping on Message (9:15)

Training the next Social Media Marketers (10:10)

Customer Relationship with Social (17:05)

The future of Measuring Social (18:20)

Social’s Next Customer (19:35)