
Victor Milligan


“For Forrester, Data and analytics drive their success” or “Forget about Big Data, Forrester is concerned with Little Data.”


We talk a lot about big data on this show, but what do you do when your data is dispersed in a lot of different databases and systems? This was the challenge Victor Milligan, CMO of Forrester had to face.

“A lot of people have paid attention to big data as the big problem to solve, but the larger problem is the dispersion of data.” He’s talking about all of those tools and systems that we keep buying, as CMOs.

“Our clients expect us to know a lot about them and to use that information in ways that create value,” Victor admits. “So if we can’t grapple with that information we are doing a disservice to our clients.”

Bringing data together is not easy – even for Forrester. As Victor reminds us, “This is not an easy thing. It’s a long journey.” So CMO’s get out you good hiking boots.

Some highlights include:

Using analytics to make decisions (3:20)
Shaping Forrester’s brand (5:00)
Forrester’s next key challenge (7:30)
Dealing with the dispersion of data (13:10)
Insights from analyzing the data (18:10)