DHL Express

Christine Nashick

DHL Express

At DHL Express, the CMO owns Customer Service – And why you should too. 
In this episode we speak with Christine Nashick, the Chief Customer Officer of DHL Express. Usually, we only speak with the Chief Marketing Officer, but this episode is special. While Christine started as the CMO, she realized how important customer service was and ultimately folded it into her duties.
“I wanted to impact the customer experience more and more,” says Christine. “Nothing is better for the brand than when you get positive referrals from your customers and when your customers stay loyal.” Christine embraces customer service and explains why its an integral part of her brand. “Our brand is exactly what people say about it,” responds Christine. “It’s important that we manage that perception.”
In this episode she speaks about the ideal customer experience and gives tips on how she manages it. Her favorite tactic is to measure customer service on the KPH power – were they Knowledgeable, Polite and Helpful. Sounds like smart marketing to me.

Other highlights from this episode of Marketing Superstars include:
Let your brand speak for itself (2:17)
How customer service impacts brand marketing (7:57)
Creating empathy to drive the brand value (11:27)
How customer service impacts the brand (17:34)
DHL’s favorite marketing tactics (19:05)