Critical Mass

Amanda Levy

Critical Mass

Here is a trivia question. What is the oldest form of marketing in the world? If you guessed ‘Word of Mouth” then you probably read my book. Or you’re just a really good marketing like Amanda Levy, the CMO of Critical Mass. Critical Mass is a digital design agency under the world famous Omnicom Group that represents multiple Fortune 100 companies.


Her key to great marketing is to have the work speak for itself, as her team lives by her words of “do your job well every day”. It goes beyond this, however, as she sees her job is to make sure that Critical Mass is a right fit for the client – the key to building a great relationship.

Levy explains, “If they spend time with you, and you add value, they will want to spend more time with you.” Doesn’t this advice also work for dating?



Picking the right partner 3:45

The sales cycle of selling a Fortune 100 Brand 4:30

The Keys to a Living and Breathing Website 7:38

Keys to Getting Leads 9:10

Following people throughout their careers 13:30

Bridging relationships across jobs 14:20