Content Panda

Heather Newman, CMO

Content Panda

Losing your job is tough for everyone, and high-level executives are no exception.

It’s the circle of life! Parting ways with a company can be difficult, but it also paves the way for your next professional venture. No one emphasizes this more than Heather Newman, CMO of Content Panda, a SharePoint training and on-demand assistance tool. When life gives her lemons, she makes lemonade.

“No matter how it happens, whether it’s your choice or someone else’s, it’s a really personal thing,” Newman said. “I make vats of lemonade whenever that happens to me.”

What does she mean by that? Not only does she literally make large pitchers of consolatory lemonade, she also recommends turning the reality of leaving a company into a chance to network and find the next opportunity. Put yourself out there and get to know people, whether you’re at a party or a networking event. Update your resume, spruce up your LinkedIn, and carry a business card at all times (unless, of course, you’re going scuba diving).

“With anything, work or life, burying your head in the sand is not the way to go,” Newman said. “It’s really tough, but you grow from it. That kind of stuff just makes you stronger and not as naive.”

Additional highlights from this week’s episode of CMO Radio include:

  • Keeping your head held high as you exit (5:50)
  • What’s your next move? (11:05)
  • Arm yourself with an updated resume and a strong LinkedIn profile (17:15)
  • The CMO Club (23:55)