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Heather Smiley

Mass Mutual at Work
Date Released :  June 14, 2016

Why Your Customer’s Opinion Matter Most Isn’t it surprising how many companies don’t consider the customer when sending its product to market? Seems silly, right? Well, this is the behavior

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Amanda Levy

Critical Mass
Date Released :  June 7, 2016

Here is a trivia question. What is the oldest form of marketing in the world? If you guessed ‘Word of Mouth” then you probably read my book. Or you’re just

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Date Released :  May 31, 2016

The Psychology of Brand Building Confession time. I never believed in the psychology mumbo jumbo. As a data-driven marketer, I never believed in the “soft sciences.” But author Daryl Weber

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C.J. O’Donnell

Date Released :  May 23, 2016

Later this week, the Indianapolis 500 will be celebrating its 100th running. Drivers are expected to reach speeds of up to 235 miles per hour at Indy Motor Speedway, making

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Ted Rubin

Brand Innovators
Date Released :  May 16, 2016

Seth Godin, Social Media and the Rise of the Relationship With over 357,000 followers on Twitter, Ted Rubin is one of the global leaders in pre-eminent experts on social marketing

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Diego Lomanto

Talent Inc.
Date Released :  May 9, 2016

Have you thought about your personal brand? As marketers, we spend so much time building our company’s brand that we often forget about our own. But with job tenure shrinking

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