Best of Season 1

CMO Radio

Best of Season 1

This week on CMO Radio, we’re bringing you a compilation of our best interviews from season one. Check out our favorite highlights:

  • Ken Herron, CMO of Unified Inbox, has a steadily growing Twitter audience of over 129K followers, and it didn’t happen by accident. What’s the secret? He credits nine patented strategies as the reasons for his social success. Hear a few of his most important secrets. (1:11)
  • Marketing guru Robbie Baxter and host David T. Scott discussed membership-based business models that focus on continuously providing a customer with value. Instead of concentrating on making a sale, she believes marketers should be focused on fulfilling a customer’s needs. (6:06)
  • Siegel+Gale faces a unique marketing challenge because of its service-based nature, where the team is the product. CMO Margaret Molloy detailed the role of content marketing and video in reaching the company’s audience in a genuine, authentic way. (10:32)
  • Jen Compton sat down with CMO Radio to explain the marriage between marketing and hockey. As VP of marketing for The Boston Bruins, it’s her job to drive content across many platforms, social and branded, into the waiting hands of the hockey team’s community.  (14:19)
  • Mary Kay Cosmetics takes a fairly nontraditional approach to marketing. CMO Sheryl Adkins-Green explained to host David T. Scott how that model, coupled with social media and effective use of brand ambassadors, works best to serve its audience of more than 3 million independent sales-women.(19:15)