Author of Brand Seduction

Daryl Weber

Author of Brand Seduction

The Psychology of Brand Building

Confession time. I never believed in the psychology mumbo jumbo. As a data-driven marketer, I never believed in the “soft sciences.” But author Daryl Weber might have just turned me around.


In his book – Brand Seduction: How Neuroscience Can Help Marketers Build Memorable Brands – Weber, a psychologist-turned-marketer, sees the potential of bringing in neuroscience (a specialization of psychology) to create stronger brands from the get-go.

“Marketers are not using the science to their benefit.” Admits Weber. “There’s a huge gap between the science that exists and the marketers that can be benefitting from it”.

In reality, we use psychological tools too late in the game, usually after the brand has been launched, but Weber argues that it needs to be brought to the forefront in order to create great brands.

The trick, according to Webster, is to consider every aspect of the business as an opportunity to build your brand. “Everything you do is branding, not just your marketing department or design.” And they wonder why CMO’s make the best CEOs.