Brand Innovators

Ted Rubin

Brand Innovators

Seth Godin, Social Media and the Rise of the Relationship

With over 357,000 followers on Twitter, Ted Rubin is one of the global leaders in pre-eminent experts on social marketing strategy. A strong advocate on forgetting R.O.I. in the social space, Rubin favors R.O.R. (Return on Relationship) instead, as he states “conversation is the best content.”


Once trained by the godfather of modern marketing, Seth Godin, Rubin refers to the importance Godin had on his career early on, “Here’s a guy that’s coming up with all of these brilliant thought leadership ideas and he wanted to talk about it. And I was smart enough to just shut up and listen,” says the acting CMO of Brand Innovators.

In this episode, He shares his expertise on brand relationships. His argument—brands just need to get back to the basics and communicate with the consumer.

However, it goes beyond that as the brand DNA also needs to change, “The most important thing a CMO can do is create that environment that enables and empowers their employees to speak up, say what they’re thinking and be allowed to fail,” mentions Rubin.

Rubin leaves us with words to remember as marketers struggle to communicate properly, “A brand is what you do. A reputation is what people remember and share,” says the guru.

Highlights from this week’s show include:

  • The origins of return on relationship (6:04)
  • Difference between networks and communities (7:05)
  • The age of influence (8:15)
  • The secrets to getting noticed by influencers and authors (11:00)
  • Gaining value from data (19:35)
  • Changing brand DNA (23:50)