Archives  - February - 2016

Christine Nashick

DHL Express
Date Released :  February 29, 2016

At DHL Express, the CMO owns Customer Service – And why you should too.  In this episode we speak with Christine Nashick, the Chief Customer Officer of DHL Express. Usually,

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Jake Perez

William & Mary
Date Released :  February 22, 2016

For over 300 years, William and Mary has been producing leaders. Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Jon Stewart, and host of Marketing Superstars, David T. Scott are just part of the

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Joe Hyland

Date Released :  February 15, 2016

On24 has been providing webinar and webcasting services to B2B companies focusing on demand generation for over for 15 years, way before the medium was even popular. With webinars and

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John Behling

House of Blues
Date Released :  February 8, 2016

For over 20 years, The House of Blues has brought great music to ten locations around the United States. The small music venue and restaurant chain faces difficult marketing challenges

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Susan Lintonsmith

Date Released :  February 1, 2016

When Quiznos was founded in 1981, the franchise had lines out the door and around the block. Although tough times have befallen the sandwich chain, present day finds it in

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